Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Thailand Tom Kha Gai

Ingredients Quanity
Chicken Sliced100g
Coconut Milk1dl
Chicken Stock2dl
Chili Fresh5g
Coriander Fresh5g
Kafirlime leaves1g
Fish Sauce2cl
Straw Mushrooms50g
Lemon Grass10g
Boil up coconut milk and add the lemon grass, kafir lime leaves, galangal and chicken meat. Cook till done. Add mushrooms, continue cooking for a few minutes and season with fish sauce and lemon juice. Remove from heat and sprinkle with Thai parsley and dried chili

Thailand Kao Soy Gai

Chicken Boneless60g
Bamee Noodles140g
Curry Paste Yellow30g
Coconut Milk1.5dl
Ginger Sliced20g
Chicken Stock1dl
Cooking Oil2cl
Soy Sauce2ml
Chilli powder1g
Shallot sliced10g
Coriander Leaf5g
Heat oil and fry chicken till almost done. Add curry paste, coconut milk, chicken stock, ginger slices and season to taste. Cook till chicken is tender and the sauce has the right consistency. Add the cooked noodles (half quanity). Pour into a bowl. The remaining noodles deep-fry till crispy and top onto the soup. Garnish with coriander leaves and sliced shallot.